Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Render setting test

test render

Testing out different render settings

100 words

The Concept for my design is derived from the qualities of children's toys, especially building blocks and kaleidoscopes, I was really inspired by the ability of blocks to build up upon one another and to also slide through , spin , and move in all sorts of directions. And also how kaleidoscopes can change colour and shape configurations by just adjusting its arrangements. I will translate this concept throughout my movie by using the qualities of the toys and kaleidoscopes to create a fun, playful environment that shows no limits, I will also use the shape of a triangle to create these effects, and I will keep the colours fun and playful so the environment allows you into a world that sparks imagination.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

sketch up development

Trying to get views that really get inside the shapes

Sketch up develpment

Looking at different views that i could position my images at

Sketch up development

Im now looking at really changing the sizes of the triangle blocks, so there is more depth within the image. The triangles on the left are about 3 times smaller than the others.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Image three

I really like this image, I changes the shininess of the blue texture within the shapes, It gives off a more glowing feel, and make the image look more interesting, it also corresponds to my inspiration of fun building blocks, as this image has more of a fun feel, the background is also interesting as it takes the shapes way more out of context and gives a more dream like feel.

image two

In this image I have changes the colours to black and white, which i thought would bring out the contrast more and make the image more interesting. It seems that the black is a bit dominant thought and it could also be more transparent. Other than that i like the light blue background, i think it works well because it continues with the floating feel, like the shapes are up in the sky.

Image one

I like this image, because it corresponds to one of my original sketch ideas that i came up with. chose two colours to really bring out a contrast between the triangles. Having the background white give s the image a floating feel and doesn't put the shapes in context, which is what i like.


These are a couple of images which caught my attention, i like the idea of fun, building blocks that have the ability to build up on top and through one another, also spinning tops and kaleidoscopes because of the colour blends that come out of the action of spinning and moving.

Test HD render

I don't think this image is very successful because its still very distant , and doesn't inhabit the viewer enough.